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Strategic Planning

We build strategic plans that drive performance improvement. We build practical strategic plans that provide a clear roadmap, strategies, and action plans to drive profitable growth. Our focus is on building and increasing profitability and competitive differentiation - - not haggling over the words in a mission statement.

We help you explore more aggressive growth possibilities and answer these critical questions:

  • How can we grow faster and more profitably?
  • Where should we be heading and why?
  • Where should we 'play'?  Where can we win?
  • How do we build brand value?
  • How can we maintain and build our strategic competitive advantage?
  • What do we need to do now? in 12 months? in 3 years?

We use a proven process that builds strategic alignment, fosters active participation, and puts strategy into action. Our expert strategic plan facilitation enables your team to think more aggressively and creatively about your business potential.

Execution and
Management Interviews
Business Performance Analysis
Environmental Analysis
Goal Setting

Market Opportunities
Customer Needs
Core Competencies
Profit Levers

Company Vision
Core Strategies
Action Plans
Financial Projections


Project Champions

Implementation Process
KPI Tracking
Program Refinement

Your completed Strategic Plan provides a clear roadmap to increase profitability and competitive differentiation. The Strategic Plans your Business Objectives, Strategies, Action Plans, Profit Projections, and Project Champions. Our Strategic Plans align tightly with your Annual Planning process to optimize your performance and execution.

Let us help you build a stronger, more profitable business. Reach us at info@katzmktgsolutions.com.

Certified Women's Business Enterprise by Women's Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) Fort Myers, Florida      614.439.6907
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